Monday, May 24, 2010

Important Grooming Tips for Women

It is believed that an appearance of a person is a window to their personality. Don’t let your appearance pull you down; here are some simple grooming tips for women that will help you in all walks of life. This article provides a brief guide to the Dos and Don’ts for working women.

Perfumes, Scents, and Odors in the Workplace:
Do not let the first impression you make about yourself be your personal scent preferences!

Avoid wearing perfume and heavily-scented products in all business settings. You might like them, but they have no place in a business environment. Scents can trigger asthma, overpower a room, and are often more offensive than pleasing to others. Never smell like smoke (if you smoke in a car, your clothing will always pick up the odor).

How to Present Professional Looking Fingernails and Hands:

Women often use hand gestures while talking; as such as such their hands become a focal point. It is important to have hands and fingernails looking neat and clean -- not like you are heading out for a wild night on the town.
Nails should be clean, and trimmed or sculpted. Avoid wearing unusual or shocking nail colors. Nail art and nail jewels are not acceptable.

Hairstyling Tips for Women:
Style should be neat and conservative, and preferably off the face. With few exceptions, hair color should not be shocking or unusual (leave blue hair for Halloween). Hair sprays and gels that have a strong scent or odor should be avoided.

Makeup Advice:

Keep it simple and appropriate for daytime. Wearing no makeup at all is almost as bad as wearing too much makeup.

Appropriate Jewelry for Women:

Jewelry should not be noisy (no metal bangle bracelets), too large, or costume jewelry. Keep earrings small, simple, and above the earlobe.
It is better to wear no jewelry at all, than to wear too much jewelry. But all business women should at least wear a nice, conservative wrist watch.

Demonstrating that you care about your personal appearance communicates, to the person whom you are meeting, that they are important to you. Paying attention to the details of your appearance sends a message to others, that you will also pay close attention to business details and the needs of your customers and clients.

- Article Courtesy “Grooming Tips” by Lahle Wolfe.


Unknown said...

Hey this very helpfull...

Unknown said...

its amazing how often you ignore simple things like these...thanks for this

anita said...

Will keep in mind the next time i go out :)

Term life insurance said...

Nice post Frankfinn

Unknown said...

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