Friday, October 1, 2010

How big a threat is terrorism to the aviation industry?

No matter how big or small a threat it may be, the aviation security establishment world over has unchallengeable security protocol and measures in place to thwart any kind of terrorist activity. Since 9/11, there rarely have been any similar incidents and the credit goes to unbending aviation security. Instruments like full-body scanners have been installed to make sure nothing remains unnoticed. Credit also goes to the passengers who remain awake to anything even slightly suspicious. The famous example is the Christmas Day bombing attempt in the US last year that was foiled by some vigilant passengers. So there is no doubt whatsoever that terrorists will not get their way against a steadfast aviation industry under any circumstances.

Since ecology means study of environment, ecological tourism involves travelling to untouched and protected areas. It generally attracts ecologically and socially conscious individuals. Ecotourism is also important from the point of view of educating a traveller, generating funds for conservation, economic development, respecting cultural diversity and human rights. Other important features of ecotourism are promotion of recycling, energy efficiency, water conservation and creation of economic opportunities for local communities.

- Nayanika Thakur, Nagpur


Unknown said...

Very good article.

Priya Narsinghani said...

I agree, aviation industry will always have serious threat coz of terrorism. Security must be always alert.

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